The Scaffolding - It's multiplying

Walking past St John's you will have noticed that the building has been gradually getting wrapped in Scaffolding over the last few weeks as work is being done on the external stonework and guttering.

This week the scaffolding started coming inside - but don't worry - we will still be able to use the church on Sunday - see note below regarding scheduling of weekday events. 

The scaffolding is need because, while we are doing high-level work, we have been given permission to restore the clerestory windows and replace the frosted glass with clear glass - as they would have been originally.  The restoration of clear glass at this level should flood the ceiling with light and significantly enhance the building in all seasons as the light changes.

The cost of replacing the glass and restoring these windows is likely to be in the region of £28,000.  There are 14 windows so that is £2,000 per window.  We would be delighted if people would like to sponsor a window!  If you are a UK taxpayer, after Gift Aid it’s only £1,600.  If a full window is a bit much, then why not half a window, which would be £1,000 (or £800 with Gift Aid) - go on, give the gift of light!

Re-scheduling of weekday events during May and June

Morning Playgroups on Tuesday and Wednesday will, weather permitting, meet at 9.45am outside the church and head down to Hyde Park. See the playgroup's site for more information.

Afternon playgroup on Wednesday is suspended for the time-being. See the playgroup's site for more information.

Evening Prayer and Monday evening Eucharists will continue depending on works underway.