Coronavirus (Covid-19)

We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with our community this morning. A special welcome to any who are joining us this morning for the first time.

We are pleased that many of the Covid restrictions have now been lifted. We know many are excited at this, but that others feel less so. While we hope there is a more relaxed feeling here at St John’s this morning, we hope that you will understand that we have chosen a gradual process of returning to normality in order that as many people feel comfortable.

We still need to take steps to minimise the risks due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, so we are still worshiping with some degree of caution and have drafted a new risk assessment and guidelines for worship. These have been revised to reflect the latest guidance from the Church of England and are on display in the porch and on our website at

If you are displaying any of the Covid-19 symptoms – high temperature, continuous cough or a change in your normal sense of taste & smell – please do not come into church but self-isolate and arrange for a test.

Sanitiser is available for those wishing to sanitise their hands on entering the building and will be available before taking communion. We are still keeping an attendance register if you would like to sign in for track and trace purposes and the NHS QR code is available for those who wish to scan it with the app.

Orders of service have been printed in advance and placed on the chairs on Sunday morning by a member of staff.

At the collection, members of staff wearing face masks will circulate with collection plates. Place your cash or Gift Aid envelope in the plate but do not touch it.

When exchanging the peace, please do so only with others in your immediate vicinity but be respectful of those who may not wish to make physical contact.

For communion, please approach the step to the sanctuary via the central aisle. Sanitiser is available should you wish to sanitise your hands before receiving. Please keep a safe distance from those on either side. The clergy will bring the bread to you and place a wafer in your hand after touching the edge to the wine. If you prefer to receive a blessing instead, cross your hands over your chest. After receiving, please return to your seat via one of the side aisles.

At the end of the service, you are free to leave at your leisure. If you feel comfortable please joins us for a cup of tea or coffee (outside on the forecourt, weather permitting).

Children and Young Families

We are delighted to have so many families with young children as members of our congregation. Kids’ Club meets this morning in the hall and the children leave the service after the Collect, rejoining the service just prior to communion. Toilets with changing facilities are available near the entrance of the church.

Hearing the Service

St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.

Keep Calm! Keep Alert! Keep Giving!

In the midst of the uncertainties of Covid, we are very grateful for all who have been steady in their financial support during the last 18 months! Who would have thought, back in the spring of last year when we began to ponder the financial hit to St John’s of the first lockdown, that we would only be easing back into normality now. This obviously brings a renewed uncertainty for life at St John’s for a second year running and, while we make every effort to watch costs and look out for help where it might be available, we ask you to remember that again this year the carpark is not always full and we have been unable to raise money through letting the church and hall. Please continue to help us if you can by contributions either on Sunday mornings in the collection plate or, alternatively, directly to our bank account. Our details are:

Name: St John the Evangelist

Bank: HSBC

Sort Code: 40-11-58

Account #: 80108251

Donations given electronically still qualify for Gift Aid as your name will appear alongside your donation. If you have any questions about giving, please speak to Bryan Sollenberger.

LLF: Have Your Say

Share your experience as part of the Church of England’s discernment about a way forward

Let the Church of England’s House of Bishops know what you think about LGBT+ people in the life of the church, as part of the Living in Love and Faith project. Express your response to the themes, as the bishops lead the Church into making whatever decisions are needful for our common life regarding matters of identity, relationships, sex and marriage. Visit for details or email (There is a separate survey for those who did the LLF course).

Turn Your Clocks Back

Saturday night sees the end of British Summer Time – the time change happens at 2am but you don’t need to wait until then to move your clocks back one hour. Enjoy an hour extra hour out or have a bit more sleep so you can stay away through the sermon!

All Souls

2nd November, 6pm

On Tuesday, 2nd November, we mark this special festival with a service at which we remember those who are part of the church community but who have died. This year the choir are singing Michael Haydn’s Requiem. During this service we remember those dear to us who have died - a list is available in the porch for you to add the names of those you would like to be remembered. As part of the liturgy, there will be opportunity for you to light a candle and place it on the altar in remembrance of your loved ones.

Jenny Clark Memorial Concert 2021

Our annual Jenny Clark Memorial Concert this year is on the 14th November after the 10am service. Helen May, soprano choral scholar here from 2018-2020 will be singing at this year’s concert, accompanied by pianist Lysianne Chen. This is always an excellent musical feast so be sure this date is marked in your diaries now!

Mid-week Services

St John’s isn’t just a church for Sunday! There are services at 5.30pm Monday to Thursday. Monday’s service is a eucharist and there is a said evensong Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Services take place in the sanctuary and are open to all.

St John’s Late

St John’s Late returns for the autumn from 14th November.

14th November, 6pm

Jazz Mass

A joyous mass to lift the spirits! The choir sing a jazz setting accompanied by piano and double bass – Bob Chilcott’s A Little Jazz Mass! The anthem will be When I Get Where I Am Going by Rivers Rutherford.

21st November, 7pm

Compline by Candlelight

Night prayer sung by the choir for Christ the King. A sung service stunning in its simplicity. The anthem will be Henry Purcell’s O God, the King of Glory.