
Hearing the Service

St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.

Coronavirus (covid19) - churches 

adapted from Diocese of London guidelines, 12th March 2020

The government has published its action plan.  London remains, for now, in the contained phase of the outbreak.  It is more and more likely that we shall move into the delay phase.  The action plan seeks to contain, delay and mitigate any outbreak.

The Archbishops have written to all clergy in the light of the continued increase of covid19 cases in the UK and the advice on the administration of the chalice and physical contact in service has now changed.  However, there is no need to stay away from gatherings and indeed social interactions such as church are encouraged, not least because it helps the vulnerable to stay in touch and the needlessly afraid to have support.

Although concerns are highlighted, the risk to the public in the UK remains moderate.  There are now more cases and in a wider number of areas and sadly there have been some deaths, but the number of cases in the UK remains small and good preparation remains in place.

The following is present advice:

Holy Communion

While it is our faith that the sacraments are means of grace and not of sickness, they are physically ministered and we should take physical care. 

  1. Stay in touch.  There is as yet no advice to stay away from gatherings, making even more sure than usual to stay in touch with the vulnerable is important and it is good to encourage worshippers to keep in touch with one another.  

  2. Wash Hands.  Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands on arrival in the toilets or to tuse their own sanitising gel.  You are advised to wash hands frequently.  Antibacterial soap and water are readily available in the toilets at the back of church.  Please feel free to use them as and when you feel necessary.  Hand-sanitising gel and wipes are extremely scarce at the moment, but you may like to bring some with you in the future.  A limited supply is available at the back of church from the person on west end duty.  All welcomers and west end will have washed their hands on arrival before handing out orders of service.  The clergy presiding at the Eucharist will wash their hands after the Peace.  Hand sanitisers will then be used immediately before the Preparation of the Table and eucharistic prayer.

  3. Please refrain from passing the collection plates.  A member of staff or appointed person will hold the plate directly in front of you in order that you do not need to touch it.  We thank you in advance for your kind and generous offering.

  4. Do not intinct.  It is our general practice here at St John’s not to practise individual intinction (dipping the bread into the wine) during the taking of communion.  For some years we have only practised it by the wafer being dipped by the chalice assistant.  In light of the potential outbreak of the coronavirus, we have been asked to remind people that because hands can be as much a source of pathogens as lips, intinction is no safer than drinking and can introduce germs into the cup.  For the time being, we will therefore no longer offer any kind of intinction.

  5. Offer Holy Communion in one Kind.  Communion will be offered in one kind only to all communicants, i.e., the consecrated bread, with the priest alone taking the wine.  It is Anglican teaching that to receive the sacrament in one kind only is to receive the sacrament in its entirety.  The celebrant should always receive from the Chalice, which should be completely drained at the priest’s communion.  The celebrant should still cleanse the chalice in the usual way with water and in the current circumstances, not delegate this to a deacon or server.

  6. Do not share the Peace.  Handshaking or other direct physical contact during the sharing of the Peace should be replaced by other forms of greeting.  It is also perfectly licit for the celebrant to wish ‘peace be with you’ to the whole congregation and then continue with the liturgy directly without inviting the congregation to share the peace, leaving out ‘let us offer one another a sign of peace’.

  7. All catering is now suspended.  There will be no reception after the service. 

  8. There will be no laying on of hands during private prayer.

In working to mitigate the impact of serious disease, St John’s is in the process of making contingency plans.

 Gluten Free Communion Wafers

Gluten free wafers are available for those who suffer from a gluten allergy.  Please speak to a priest before the service if you would like to receive one at communion.

Fruit of the Spirit – Anthems for LentIf we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit - Galatians 5. 25

We are told by the Apostle Paul that if we ‘live by the Spirit’ our lives will produce a fruitful harvest that brings encouragement and life to those around us.  During Lent we shall explore this theme in our music as we trace the various aspects that we are called to reflect upon during this season of fasting and self-examination:

01st March Love
08th March Kindness
15th March Peace
22nd March Goodness
29th March Gentleness
05th April Patience

The Wednesday Club

18th March 2020, 7.30pm

This group typically meets on the third Wednesday of the month in The Monkey Puzzle pub to discuss everyday ethics and how the things we think and do relate to our understanding of God and faith.  This promises to be a lively and generous discussion, so do come and join us!  To sign up or for further information, speak to Dan.

Mothering Sunday

On 22nd March we celebrate Mothering Sunday.  During the service our children will give flowers to every woman in the congregation while the choir sings Lakmé’s Flower Duet.  Following the success of the Harvest appeal, we will be doing a collection for the North Paddington foodbank in support of all those whose mothering of others is challenging during this time of financial challenge and uncertainty of food supplies.

Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meeting

Our APCM this year is on Sunday, 29th March, immediately following the 10am service.  This is the meeting where we receive the annual report and accounts and elect our churchwardens and members to the Parochial Church Council (PCC).  This year we will be electing churchwardens, three representatives to the Deanery Synod and two members to the Parochial Church Council (PCC).  Nomination forms are available at the back of church.  Completed forms can be given to Bryan Sollenberger.

Our thanks to Sven Haase and Ian Nelson, whose terms on PCC come to an end.  Sven has also served as Deputy Churchwardens for the past two years and Ian as treasurer during his term.  In addition, Neville David completes three years as churchwarden and will be retiring.  We are very grateful for their contributions to the parish over that time.  The vitality of a parish like St John’s is dependent on people being willing to give of their time and skills in leadership of the parish.  We are as a community grateful for all that they have brought and shared.  Please think carefully about whether you might have skills you can share by standing for PCC.

Easter Baptisms

Are you considering baptism?  Easter is the perfect occasion and the dawn service at 5am on Easter Day is a great opportunity for it.  This is a very special and unique service and there will be an opportunity for adults and children to be baptized as part of the Easter liturgy.  If you are interested in being baptized at this service, please speak to one of the clergy as soon as possible.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday falls this year on 5th April.  We bless the palm crosses and hear the Passion Gospel in the morning.  In the evening at 6pm we’ll have our annual Way of the Cross service based upon the ancient liturgy of the Stations of the Cross, using our very own rarely seen stations and with wonderful music, this year featuring Schubert’s Stabat Mater.  This beautiful and poignant service is a very proper way to begin Holy Week.


Easter Flowers

Help us to decorate the church for Easter and remember loved ones at the same time by contributing to our Easter flowers.  Fill in the slip in your order of service and give it to Andre Livins or Bryan Sollenberger after the service.  A list of contributors and those commemorated will be posted in the porch at Easter.

Maundy Thursday, 9th April, 7pm

A special sung mass commemorating the Last Supper with the washing of feet takes place on the Thursday night before Easter.  The mass setting will be Gounod’s Messe Solonnelle and the anthem Christus Factus Est by Bruckner.  If you would be willing to have your feet washed at this service, please speak to one of the clergy.  Note the earlier start time this year of 7pm.

Good Friday Children’s Workshop, 10th April, 10am

A children’s activity morning is planned for Good Friday between 10am and 12 noon for children from 0-11.  Coffee, biscuits and hot cross buns will be available and we will build the Easter Garden.  Volunteers are needed to help with the activities.  A donation of £5 per child is requested (babies go free).  If you can help, speak to Dan or Becky Stringer.

Good Friday Liturgy of the Day, 10th April, 2pm

Good Friday is one of the holiest days in the Christian year.  This service of reflection and prayer, centred on the passion and death of our Lord, is led by our choral scholars and is based around Carr’s Seven Last Words from the Cross.

Mrs Mops’ Easter Special!, 11th April, 11am

Andre is organising a special effort on Saturday morning before Easter to clean and to get the church ready for Easter.  Please speak to him if you are happy to don your housecoat and report for duty for a morning of hard work and fun along with a mid-morning refreshment of the Vicar’s special hot milky brew.  Come armed with your marigolds, Brasso and Pledge.  Many hands make light work: please help if you can.

Dawn Vigil and First Mass of Easter, 12th April, 6am

This service begins at 6am this year with a Vigil of readings as we await the dawn and the resurrection of our Lord.  This colourful and dramatic service incorporates the Service of Light, Renewal of Baptism Vows and the First Mass of Easter.  Well worth getting up for!  The service is followed by breakfast and champagne.

Easter Breakfast

A cooked breakfast is served in the hall following the dawn service.  Please sign up in the porch if you plan to stay for this.  Anyone wishing to volunteer to help with breakfast would be very warmly welcomed by the Vicar (who will be coming off his Lenten diet).

Easter Reception

Following the Festival Eucharist on Easter morning there will be a fizz reception with finger food.  Please bring a plate of finger food to share and indicate what you will be able to bring on the sign up sheet in the porch or on one of the clipboards that will be circulating during coffee.

Photo Fresh

We have been considering how we might refresh our online presence, reflecting the beauty of who we are as a church family.  We’re different, yet alike in so many ways, with some surprising friendships that encourage and help us grow in our faith.  This is possible when we remain open and welcoming, so as part of this, Chris Skarratt will be taking photos on three consecutive Sundays starting today (March 15, 22, 29) both during and after the service, capturing the ‘vibe’ of our worship and the warmth of our time together over coffee.  If for any reason you would rather not be in any picture do just let Chris or Dan know on the day.  Thanks in advance for your help in spreading the word!


On Sunday, 17th May, the Bishop of London will be presiding at a service of Confirmation.  Courses preparing children and adults for Confirmation will be starting shortly.  If you would like to be confirmed or if you would like to explore the possibility of being confirmed, please talk with one of the clergy.

New Assistant Curate

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Georgina Elsey as the new assistant curate here at St John’s.  Georgina is training for ordination at Cranmer Hall, Durham and will be ordained deacon by the Bishop of London in St Paul’s Cathedral on Saturday, 4th July 2020.  She will begin her ministry here at St John’s the following day.  A flyer introducing Georgina is available in the porch.

Rainy Day Appeal

Raised: £37,836

Target: £40,000

Two years ago we undertook some very essential repairs to the roof, gutters and parapets.  If you look up on the outside north or south sides of the church, you’ll notice the beautiful new stonework.  To fund the works, however, we had to borrow £200,000 from the Diocese of London.

We are now 94.6% of the way to our goal of raising £40,000 to cover this year’s repayment commitment and interest.  There are 160 metres of guttering, which works out at £250 per metre (£200 per metre if gift aided).  To clear one or more metres or for more information about Gift Aid, speak to Bryan Sollenberger.   Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far.

Culture Vulture Ventures

Britten Theatre, Royal College of Music, Sunday 15th March

For a bright spot in the midst of Lent, choral scholar Judith LeBreuilly is performing the role of Lia in Debussy’s French opera L’Enfant Prodigue, part of the Royal College of Music’s triple bill of one-act French operas.  Tickets to the dress rehearsal on Sunday March 15th are free but you need to give your name as soon as possible to Lesley Gray or to the parish office.  We will meet for lunch before the performance 12.45pm at the Café Bar of the Royal Albert Hall, situated by the ground floor entry at Door 12.  The Royal College of Music is located a short walk behind the Albert Hall in Prince Consort Road.

A Big Gay Night Out

Dick Whittington (an adult Panto) December 2020!  There’s nothing like planning ahead – and tickets for this year’s panto at Above the Stag are now on sale!  If you are interested in coming to the Panto on Tuesday 8th December 2020, please contact Ian Smith [] asap.  Tickets, £28 a seat, sell fast (even this far ahead!). 


School Gate Gossip

This week has been our first week back after the half term holiday. We attended a service at St John's on Ash Wednesday and learnt about the significance of this day at the start of Lent. Our focus value for this half term is forgiveness and we will be thinking about this a lot as we learn about the Easter Story in our RE lessons. Our year two and three children took part in a music workshop this week which involved giving a performance for their parents. These are part of our continued links with the Royal Albert Hall with our year six children continuing their Rolls Royce / Cirque de Soleil design project this term. We are now making plans for world book day on March 5th when we will be dressing up as our favourite book character and taking part in book related activities all day.

We hold school tours every other Wednesday morning at 9:30am. If you would like to come and visit the school, please get in touch with our school office via email -

Stay and Play

A community playgroup meets weekly in St John’s on Thursday mornings from 9.30-11.30am.  Come and stay for a play, a sing-song and to share stories over a cup of coffee.  All children and babies are welcome (newborn to 5 years).  Suggested donation: £2.