
Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Good news for Advent – places of worship can reopen from 3rd December. While social distancing, sanitising and other considerations will still apply, you can come to church again from next Sunday, 6th December. Congregational singing has not yet come back and communion will continue to be in one kind (bread only), but at least we can meet together and can socialise outdoors afterwards in groups of up to six. We have been preparing for our carol services and services for Christmas and these will be going ahead. Do make sure you read the weekly notices so you don’t miss anything.

Please remember that the clergy and team continue to be around behind the scenes and are available to connect by telephone, Zoom, WhatsApp or text and are available to accompany you in prayer or for a chat. Just be in touch.

Continue to remember the elderly and other vulnerable members of the congregation who may uncertain about coming out and who will continue to experience loneliness and anxiety. Please do make a special effort to keep in touch with all the older members of our congregation that you know.

Sunday Morning at St John’s

This morning’s service will be streamed from the sanctuary of St John’s at 10am. Go to . You can also download an order of service on the Welcome page. Do take note that during the streaming of the service the demand can be high and the quality can vary, but you can still watch after the service has finished and the quality is often much better then.

You can also join us for coffee afterwards on zoom:

Meeting ID: 829 3483 4434

Passcode: 108495

Dial in option: 020 3051 2874

The clergy will also be live-streaming Evening Prayer (BCP) at 5:30 pm Monday through Thursday this week. Orders of service will be available for download on our Welcome page.

Keep Calm! Keep Alert! Keep Giving!

We continue to give thanks for the financial commitment of so many of you in making weekly or monthly contributions electronically or in the collection plate. Alternatively, you may feel it safer to make your donations electronically directly to our bank account. Our details are:

Name: St John the Evangelist

Bank: HSBC

Sort Code: 40-11-58

Account #: 80108251

Donations given electronically still qualify for Gift Aid as your name will appear alongside your donation. If you have any questions about giving, please speak to Bryan Sollenberger.

Courageous Conversations: Why are we talking about race?

Sundays 4-5pm, all through November (on Zoom)

Your last chance to take part in an exploration of racism through discussing, reflecting and journaling on the book: Me and White Supremacy, by Layla Saad. To join in the conversation, please speak with Dan or Susan Greeney – alternatively you can simply sign up here:

Wednesday Club

The Wednesday Club is a series of groups running every week on (you guessed it) a Wednesday during term time. We cycle between four areas of discipleship to encourage friendship and faith (via Zoom, 8-9pm). If you are interested or want to join in, please just email Dan ( or follow the link below.

WED 1 - Bible study (based on the Gospel reading for the preceding Sunday)

WED 2 - Lectio Divina (reflective reading of scripture)

WED 3 - Pub theology (the convergence of everyday ethics and faith)

WED 4 - Ignation Prayer (exploring the question: How do we pray in difficult times?)

Join us on Wednesdays


Advent Carols, 6th December, 6pm (note the new date)

Lockdown should be over by Sunday, 6th December so instead of marking the beginning of Advent with our carol service on its proper date, we are postponing it until the following week. Provided that public worship has resumed and choir and musicians are once again able to lead worship, our Advent Carol Service takes place at 6pm on 6th December. This year’s service explores the hope of a ‘New Dawn’ through the promise of God being with us. The service is led by the choir and strings and will feature music by Beethoven, Haydn, McMillan, Adams and Grieg. This is always a great service and this year will be no different.

Christingle, 13th December, 4pm

A special service for children of all ages. Come make a Christingle, incorporating symbols of Jesus coming as the Light of the World.

Nine Lessons and Carols, 20th December, 6pm

Our traditional candlelit carol service kicks off the countdown to Christmas with the choir accompanied by a small orchestra. This is one of the biggest musical treats of the year for all the family.

Christmas Flowers

Each year we will spruce up the church with greenery and flowers and this year will be no different. Donations to help with the cost of the decorations are very welcome and can be made in honour of loved one, with a list of those remembered displayed in the porch over Christmas. Donations can be made electronically or can be left in the collection once services in church have resumed.

Let’s Talk about Sex

Our curate Georgina Elsey has written a blog about sexuality, identity, relationships and marriage. This is part of a new project by the Church of England called Living in Love and Faith. We will be looking at this project as part of our Lent course in the spring. Check out the blog at and find out more at

Powering Ahead with Electrical Works

Despite Covid, last week St John’s completed some essential electrical works that came to light during our last electrical inspection. We are grateful to the Heritage Lottery Fund for their support in enabling us to complete these works.

Organ Works

If you were in church before this latest lockdown, you will know that there was a leak in the roof above the organ and some water had penetrated the ceiling as well. The roof was repaired in October and the ceiling repairs and decorations were completed a week ago. Sadly, when the organ builders came in to protect the organ prior to the roof and ceiling repairs being carried out, they discovered some water had gotten into the organ. The organ builders were on site last week to make some minor repairs to the leather on one of the bellow and they will return in just over a week to take one of the large sound boards to their workshop in Malvern. Betty is playable but it will probably be early January until she is sounding like her usual self. We wish to thank the Heritage Lottery Fund for providing the funding to enable us to carry out these repairs.

St John’s Book Club

St John’s Book Club are currently reading Rules of Civility by Amor Towles and will meet via Zoom to discuss it on 7th December at 8pm. For further information about the book club, drop a line to

Domestic Abuse

During these weeks of close proximity, the necessity to stay indoors with little opportunity to get some space can cause pressure and stress which we might normally handle quite comfortably. Relationships can get difficult at times for the best of us. Should you find things getting too much or out of hand and feel that you have been or may become a victim of abuse, help is available. Please ring 999 followed by 55. This will notify the police of the nature of your call. Don’t suffer in silence!