
Hearing the Service

St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.

Summertime Special Services

For our summer services, the musical setting will be familiar folk tunes for the Gloria and other sung parts of the service.  This will be combined with a slightly shorter service in that there will be only one reading and no Psalm.  We hope that this will be more accommodating of families that are in church while Kids’ Club is on holiday.  Normal services resume on Sunday, 1st September.

School Starter Sunday

8th September, 10am

Starting school is the first big step as our children grow up and on this morning we give a blessing to all children starting reception classes this autumn.  There will also be a presentation of a St John’s pencil case to all children going into reception.  All school age children will receive a commemorative St John’s wristband.

Monthly Wednesday Clubs

There are no meetings in August.  Meetings resume in September.  (See dates below).

Bible Book Club

Bible book club meets once a month to read and to discuss the gospel reading for the coming Sunday and concludes with Compline.  Meetings normally take place on the first Wednesday of the month and the next meeting is on 4th September.  For further information, speak to one of the clergy.

The Wednesday Club

This group typically meets on the third Wednesday of the month in The Duke of Kendal pub to discuss everyday ethics and how the things we think and do relate to our understanding of God and faith.  The next meeting of this group will be on 18th September.  To sign up or for further information, speak to Dan.

Mid-week Services

St John’s isn’t just a church for Sunday!  There are services at 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.  Monday’s service is a eucharist and there is a said evensong Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Services take place in the sanctuary and are open to all.

Volunteer with a Cheer!

One of the great strengths of St John’s is the involvement of so many volunteers.  Nowhere is this truer than at our Sunday services.  We are profoundly grateful to everyone who takes part on the various rotas and in other ways as needed but we are always on the lookout for others who would like to be involved.  If you would be willing to read a lesson, lead our prayers, carry the cross & candles, prepare and serve tea & coffee or help out in other ways, Dan and Andre would love to speak with you.

Culture Vulture Ventures

Culture Vultures and A Big Gay Night Out

visit to Osborne House, the Isle of Wight, September 2019 

"It is impossible to imagine a prettier spot" said Queen Victoria of Osborne House, her palatial holiday home on the Isle of Wight.  In the 100th anniversary year of her birth, Culture Vulture Ventures and A Big Gay Night Out are joining forces and venturing to the Isle of Wight to visit Queen Victoria’s country home, Osborne House. We are offering 3 options:

i)  Saturday 14th September A day trip to Osborne House by train, ferry and bus

ii)  Friday 13th – Sunday 15th September A weekend trip, meeting the day trippers at Osborne House and then staying on to enjoy the Island, with B & B accommodation in Sandown for 2 nights

iii)  A family option. Either come for the day, travelling there and back with the day trippers, or come for the Saturday and Sunday, linking up with the weekenders at Osborne House and travelling by train/ferry or by your own vehicle

More details from Margaret and Ian Smith

It you are interest in any of the options, please register your interest by using the following form:

An Evening with William Shawcross

Tuesday 17th September 7.00pm at the Vicarage

Meet the Author Evening in aid of St John ‘s high roof works appeal: St John's is very fortunate that parishioner William Shawcross, recently retired chair of the Charities Commission, broadcaster,  author and historian has agreed to be the guest of honour at a Meet the Author Evening. All profits from this occasion will go towards the St John’s High Roof Works Appeal. The evening begins with a fizz and canapé reception from 7pm, followed at 7.30pm by the author’s talk on his 2009 book ‘The Queen Mother: The Official Biography’ and a question and answer session. Bring your copy if you would like the author to sign it! A two-course buffet supper with wine will then be served, with an opportunity to speak to William (and ask all those questions which you were too shy to ask earlier!). All this for £48, numbers are limited, with payment to Margaret please, cheques preferred.


School Gate Gossip

The school year finally finished on Tuesday for our children and they now enjoy their well deserved break.  Before all that there were numerous activities and events: This year’s annual netball tournament kicked off last week and continued this week as house teams from Years 3-6 passed, pivoted and goaled their way to netball glory.  Well done to all of our musicians and singers who performed at the end-of-year concert.  Our Year 6 students were celebrated in the end-of-year Leavers’ Service last Friday in what was a lovely celebration of their time at St. James & St. John.  On Monday we had an awards ceremony for the entire school here at St. John’s to recognise our children for outstanding results in both academic and non-academic categories.  Have a wonderful summer and see you back in September.

Stay and Play

A community playgroup meets weekly in St John’s on Thursday mornings during school term time from 10-11.30am.  Come and stay for a play, a sing-song and to share stories over a cup of coffee.  All children and babies are welcome (newborn to 5 years).  Suggested donation: £2.  There will be no playgroup now until 5th September.