The Bishop Is Coming
We are pleased to welcome the new Bishop of London, the Right Reverend and Right Honourable Sarah Mullally, to St John’s on Sunday morning, 30th September, when she will preach and preside at the 10am service. We will have a fizz and finger food reception so you have opportunity to meet Bishop Sarah after the service. If you have not already let us know and what food you will be bringing, please do so today.
Harvest Sunday Family Eucharist
7th October 2018, 10am
Our annual giving of thanks for the fruit of the earth will take place on 7th October. As usual, we will be collecting dried foodstuffs for the West London Day Centre. More information will be available nearer the day.
Bible Book Club
Bible book club meets once a month to read and to discuss the gospel reading for the coming Sunday and concludes with Compline. Meetings take place on the last Tuesday of the month – the next meeting is on 25th September. For further information, speak to one of the clergy.
Remembrance Sunday
11th November 2018
Many of you will probably remember the impact of the ceramic poppy display at the Tower of London in November 2014. This year to mark the 100 year anniversary of the end of the Great War The Remembered Charity are launching 'There but not there'. The idea is that those who gave their lives are remembered by silhouettes or name plates on Remembrance Sunday. Our intention is that as many of St John's roll of remembrance (30) will be represented as possible and we invite congregation members to take part. A name block costs £10 or a torso sized perspex silhouette designed to sit on a chair costs £42. Each of these could be placed on a seat to be amongst us all for our service of remembrance and help ensure that each of them will not be forgotten.
This is the last week to get your orders to Andy Moxon, who is co-ordinating a list of names from our roll of remembrance. You can see him after church or contact him on More information is also available on
Silent Film
At 8pm on Friday, 16th November, our series of silent film screenings continues with Robert Wiene's horror classic The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Directed by Robert Wiene and starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt, it has been called "the first true horror film" and "cinema's first cult film".
The story tells of an insane hynotist who uses a somnambulist (sleep-walker) to commit murders and sets a script written by Hans Janowitz and Carl Mayer - two pacifists left distrustful of authority after their military experiences during World War One - which deals with themes of brutal and irrational authority, the contrast between insanity and sanity, and the duality of human nature.
Featuring live, improvised organ accompaniment by Nicholas Miller. Tickets £8 in advance online or from the Parish Office, or £10 on the door.
Sponsor a Buttress
Last year we undertook some very essential repairs to the roof, gutters and parapets. If you look up on the north or south sides of the church, you’ll notice the beautiful new stonework. To fund the works, however, we had to borrow £200,000 from the Diocese of London and we are looking to raise £50,000 to pay this year’s commitment plus interest.
The ‘Sponsor a Buttress’ campaign is to raise funds to cover this year’s commitment. There are 40 buttresses consisting of three stones each. A stone costs £416, a buttress £1,250 (£333 and £1,000 respectively if Gift Aided). To sponsor a stone or buttress or for more information about Gift Aid, speak to Bryan Sollenberger.
Culture Vulture Ventures
Culture Vultures visit Colchester Friday 12th October
A late Autumn day trip to the historic Roman City of Colchester on Friday 12th October. Full itinerary nearer the time but may well include visits to the Roman Circus and Claudius Gateway, the city walls, the castle and Firstsite, the spectacular golden building which houses Colchester's new contemporary art space. Bring a packed lunch and then enjoy tea, perhaps at Tiptree Tea Rooms or Brutus’s top tea shop, Tymperleys. Travel by train from Liverpool St. Station. Please let Margaret know if you would like to join this Venture.
St John’s Book Club
St John’s Book Club next meets on 26th September, when they will be discussing Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip Roth. For further information, please speak to Michael King.
St John’s Big Gay Night Out
A new social activity for gay guys & girls and their friends.
Friday 7th December - Mother Goose Cracks One Out!
This year’s pantomime follows years of sell out performances at Above the Stag theatre. You’ve not really been to a panto until you’ve been to Above the Stag.
Tickets are £25. Meal before the show at Pico bar and grill (next door to the theatre) – pay as you go. For tickets, please contact Ian Smith ( or leave your payment, together with your name, email address and phone number at the church office.
Mid-week Services
St John’s isn’t just a church for Sunday! There are services at 5.30pm Monday to Thursday. Monday’s service is a eucharist and there is a said evensong Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Services take place in the sanctuary and are open to all.
School Gate Gossip
The week has been a busy one for all at St. James & St. John with the election of the new House Captains and Vice-Captains taking place after the presentation of candidates at last week’s Celebration Collective Worship. The St. James and St. John Breakfast Club has completed its first week and has been a big success. If you would like further information about the Breakfast Club, please enquire through the office. As an exciting initiative with coaches from Lord’s Cricket Ground, students in Years 5 and 6 will be given the opportunity to participate in cricket training every Friday as a part of the P.E. provision for this term.
Under Five’s Playgroups
A community playgroup meets weekly in St John’s on Thursday mornings from10-11.30am. Suggested donation: £2.