
Hearing the Service

St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.

Spring Term 2018 Anthems

This term’s offering of anthems during the Sunday morning service has two main themes running through it: on one hand we take a look at ‘God on Stage’, uncovering some of the ways religious themes and ideas have appeared in musical theatre shows over the years, either more or less overtly, and we also celebrate a range of major composers who celebrate important anniversaries in 2018. 

This week's anthem is the Finale from the 2004 Off-Broadway musical comedy Altar Boyz, by Gary Adler and Michael Patrick Walker.  The show presents the final concert of a tour by the fictional boy band Altar Boyz, made up of Matthew, Mark, Luke, Juan & Abraham, and today's anthem is the final song of that final concert.  It centres around the refrain ‘I believe that I came to know you for a reason. I believe that the things you say will come true. I believe that with you in my life I'll make it. I believe in you.’

Farewell to Antonio García Fuerte

We are pleased to announce that Antonio has been appointed Assistant Priest at St Barnabas with Christ’s Chapel, Dulwich and Assistant Chaplain at St Christopher’s Hospice.  Antonio joined Team St John’s as a training curate after completing his training and being ordained at St Paul’s Cathedral in the summer of 2015 - he was ordained priest a year later at St James’s, Sussex Gardens.  We will say good-bye to Antonio and Alex and celebrate their time here on Sunday, 24th June.  We are sad to see Antonio leave us but wish him well in his new ministry.

Prom Concerts

Prom concerts take place from time to time here at St John’s after the 10am service.  They last approximately 30-40 minutes and are open to all.

24th June, Eltham College Boys’ Choir

The Eltham College Boys’ Choir will be singing here on 24th June, directed by Mr Tom Bullard and accompanied by our own Nick Miller.  The programme, which the choir are performing on a tour to Lake Garda and Verona in early July, consists of a mixture of sacred and secular works.

Assistant Curate Dan Warnke

St John’s is getting ready for our next assistant curate – Dan Warnke.  Dan’s first Sunday will be 8th July but there is plenty to do before then.

The Big Day!

Dan’s ordination as deacon will take place on Saturday, 30th June at 3pm in St Paul’s Cathedral. The ordinations will be conducted by the Bishop of London.  All members of the congregation are invited and people should be seated by 2.50pm.  It would be helpful to the office to know how many of us intend to support Dan.

First Appointment Grant

St John’s must also provide Dan with a grant to cover the costs of setting up as a clergyman: robes, books, office equipment, etc.  This will be £2,468 extra for the first year.  If you are able to help us to meet these costs in some way, please contact Bryan Sollenberger or the Vicar.

Summer Barbecue

As part of the celebrations surrounding Dan’s arrival, our summer barbecue this year will be on 8th July, following the 10am service.  We are pleased that once again the residents have kindly opened the gardens behind the church to us.  Sign up sheets are in the porch – please indicate numbers in your party and what kind of salad you will bring.  St John’s provides the meat and dessert.  Suggested donations are £5/adult and £2/child.

Invite Dan to Visit

It is customary for a new curate to get to know members of the congregation by visiting people for a cup of tea.  If you would like Dan to visit and feel able to tell him something about how you came to live in the area and what brought you to St John’s, then please put your name and telephone number on the sheet at the back of church.

St John’s Book Club

St John’s Book Club next meets on 2 July, when they will be discussing Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders.  For further information, please speak to Michael King.

Connaught Village Sesquicentenary Celebrations

This year Connaught Village celebrates 150 years.  As part of the festivities, they are having A Walk through Time on Thursday, 5th July from 3-7pm.  Expect a journey through the ages with food and drink, live music and street entertainment spanning the last 150 years to the current day. The area will be traffic-free for you to enjoy live on-street theatre performances, offers from shops and boutiques and much more.  ‘Horrible Histories’ will preform live scenes from their latest stage show Barmy Britain, learn how to dance the Charleston, create your own flapper headband, Punch and Judy, special in store offers in the shops around Connaught Street and much much more.

Connaught Kitchens Bric-a-Brac staff

As part of the festivities, Connaught Kitchens, in Connaught Street, is having a bric-a-brac stall with proceeds going to St John’s.  Donations of bric-a-brac to support them are very welcome.  Alongside the bric-a-brac, there will also be Victorian games for children, a tombola and other activities.  Mark this date in your diaries and come along to celebrate with Connaught Kitchens and the Church Commissioners and to support St John’s.

St John’s Stall

St John’s has been invited to have a stall so we need some volunteers to staff it from 3-7pm.  See Bryan Sollenberger if you can help.

Save the Date

Dog Collar Dinner, 14th September 2018

This popular event returns in September.  Further details will be released nearer the time but mark your diaries now!

Remembrance Sunday

11th November 2018

Many of you will probably remember the impact of the ceramic poppy display at the Tower of London in November 2014.  This year to mark the 100 year anniversary of the end of the Great War The Remembered Charity are launching 'There but not there'.  The idea is that those who gave their lives are remembered by silhouettes or name plates on Remembrance Sunday. Our intention is that as many of St John's roll of remembrance (30) will be represented as possible and we invite congregation members to tkae part.  A name block costs £10 or a torso sized perspex silhouette designed to sit on a chair costs £42.  Each of these could be placed on a seat to be amongst us all for our service of remembrance and help ensure that each of them will not be forgotten.

Andrew Moxon will be co-ordinating a list of names from our roll of remembrance so please email him on if you would like any more details and to check what names are available. More information also available on


Marking a special birthday?  Celebrating an anniversary?  Wanting to remember that special person?  St John’s can help!  To honour a loved one or to commemorate a special event, you can sponsor some music or flowers, have fizz & refreshments after the service - there are lots of possibilities.  If you would like to observe a special occasion or honour someone special, speak to Bryan Sollenberger.


Children’s Community Choir

Thursdays, 4.10pm, St John’s Church

The Children’s Community Choir is open for children 6 years old and above.  Sessions are 30 minutes long and children will sing different genres of music.  If you are interested in bringing your children along please let Robert know. 

St James & St John School Gate Gossip

Not too long since returning from half-term holidays, our children's motivation and energy levels are still high, and we all work very hard to ensure that the academic year's topics are well understood, rehearsed and also tested.  Outside of the classroom we have three big events to look forward to and there is plenty of preparation which goes into each of them: The PFA Summer Fair on 6th July is one of the school's main summer events and with decent weather is celebrated literally across the entire school and assembly-ground.  Having been able to use Paddington Recreation Ground much more often this year, our children should be able to break numerous records at this year's Whole School Sport's Day.  Finally, our year 6 are enjoying the preparations for the School Leaver's Disco and looking very much forward to the party.

Under Five’s Playgroups

An international playgroup aimed at Russian speakers meets in St John’s on Wednesdays at 10am.  Another playgroup meets on Thursdays at 10am.  Suggested donation for both groups is £2.