Hearing the Service
St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.
Spring Term 2018 Anthems
This term’s offering of anthems during the Sunday morning service has two main themes running through it: on one hand we take a look at ‘God on Stage’, uncovering some of the ways religious themes and ideas have appeared in musical theatre shows over the years, either more or less overtly, and we also celebrate a range of major composers who celebrate important anniversaries in 2018.
This week's offering as part of God on Stage comes from The Lion King, originally released as a film in 1994 and made into a hit musical in 1997, becoming the third-longest-running musical on Broadway. ‘Circle of Life’ appears in the opening sequence of the show. The music is by Elton John, set to lyrics by Tim Rice which describe the interconnected nature of all life and the mutual responsibility we all have to take care of one another, rather than squandering the opportunities and resources we have to hand: "There's more to be seen than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done. Some say eat or be eaten, some say live and let live, but all are agreed as they join the stampede; you should never take more than you give."
Whitsun Carols, 20th May 2018
A unique musical service at 6pm concluding our annual cycle of carol services which tell the events of the Christian year. At Whitsun Carols we commemorate the events from Easter to Pentecost, with readings and musical selections from the choir and guest musicians. A reception with the first of the summer Pimms will follow.
Bible Book Club
Bible book club meets once a month to read and to discuss the gospel reading for the coming Sunday and concludes with Compline. Meetings take place on the last Tuesday of the month – the next meeting is on 29th May. For further information, speak to one of the clergy.
St John’s Big Pub Quiz
Our popular quiz night returns on Thursday, 7th June, in St John’s at 7pm. Tickets will be £15 and include dinner and entry. Invite some friends and form a team of 6 to 8 or come on your own and join a team. The quizmaster for the evening is from The Victoria.
Culture Vulture Ventures
Visit to Lambeth Palace
On Friday June 8th at 10.30am we have a guided tour of the state rooms at Lambeth Palace, SE1 7JU, London residence for nearly 800 years of the Archbishops of Canterbury. We will have the chance to explore the rooms and chapel, watch a video and hear about the history of the Archbishops of Canterbury. The tour finishes at approximately 12 noon, when we adjourn to the acclaimed and adjoining Garden Museum café for lunch: www.gardenmuseum.org.uk. There is no set menu: we select from the ‘menu du jour’ and pay on an individual basis. Meet at the Palace entrance, Morton’s Tower, at 10.15am. This is the red brick Tudor gatehouse built in 1469 by Cardinal Morton and is visible from the road. Payment to Margaret (cheques made payable to ‘Margaret Legg’ preferred) of £13 for the tour, including £1 tip for our volunteer guide, to secure your place.
Celebrate the 97th birthday of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Monday 11th June
Gather at 10.30am in the foyer of The Victory Services Club, 63-79 Seymour St W2 2HF, www.vsc.co.uk, where Club member Lesley Gray has very kindly arranged for us to enjoy coffee/tea and Danish pastries. At 11.30am we have a short walk to Hyde Park where we watch the 42 Royal Gun Salute to mark His Royal Highness’s birthday. It is thrilling to watch teams of horses from the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery gallop across the park pulling 6 thirteen-pounder guns at speed and then to listen as booming blanks are fired which reverberate through the ground. We are then cordially invited to the Vicarage, 18 Somers Crescent, W2 9PN where the Vicar is hosting a champagne and smoked salmon reception to celebrate the occasion. Total cost £20, including a donation to St John’s ministry. Coffee only £5, reception only £15. Please give payment to Margaret, cheques preferred, payable to ‘Margaret Legg’.
Ordination of Dan Warnke and Summer Barbecue
Dan Warnke, our next assistant curate, will be ordained deacon on Saturday, 30 June, at St Paul’s Cathedral at 3pm. Dan will officially join the staff team at St John’s on Sunday, 8th July. As part of the celebrations on that Sunday, we will be holding our annual summer barbecue following the 10am service.
Connaught Kitchens Sesquicentenary Celebrations
Connaught Kitchens, in Connaught Street, is marking 150 years on 5th July. As part of the festivities they are having a bric-a-brac stall with proceeds going to St John’s. Donations of bric-a-brac to support them are very welcome.
Alongside the bric-a-brac, there will also be Victorian games for children, a tombola and other activities. Mark this date in your diaries and come along to celebrate with Connaught Kitchens and support St John’s.
Save the Date
Dog Collar Dinner, 14th September 2018
This popular event returns in September. Further details will be released nearer the time but mark your diaries now!
Marking a special birthday? Celebrating an anniversary? Wanting to remember that special person? St John’s can help! To honour a loved one or to commemorate a special event, you can sponsor some music or flowers, have fizz & refreshments after the service - there are lots of possibilities. If you would like to observe a special occasion or honour someone special, speak to Bryan Sollenberger.
Children’s Community Choir
Thursdays, 4.10pm
The Children’s Community Choir is open for children 6 years old and above, sessions will be 30 minutes long and children will sing different genres of music. If you are interested in bringing your children along please let Robert know.
As I write my final Lord Mayor’s Corner I want to give heartfelt thanks to Steve for being such a supportive and encouraging Chaplain to The Lord Mayor over the past 12 months. Right from the start of my mayoralty, Steve has provided me with spiritual guidance and has helped to represent me among other clergy and members of the community. A particular high point was having Steve with us during our trip to Oslo to cut down the Christmas tree for Traflagar Square, when he proved such a hit with our Norwegian hosts and the British Ambassador. He was also instrumental in supporting a number of innovations this year, including a special Christmas LGBT celebration at St Anne’s Soho and helping to build relations with Opening Doors London - great to see that continuing, along with support for one of my other charities, Age UK Westminster, through fundraising at St John’s.
My final week as The Lord Mayor has been as busy as ever, with two special services at Westminster Abbey, one to commemorate the life of Florence Nightingale and another to mark the 50th anniversary of the Arts Society. I also spoke on diversity in leadership at an event organised by the engineering industry and I attended a service in honour of holders of the Victoria Cross and George Cross. Plus I hosted a number of farewell dinners.
A word of thanks also to Chris, who has contributed so magnificently over the past year as one of the hardest-working Consorts to The Lord Mayor - I’ve certainly seen more of him this past 12 months than during my previous 15 years on the council! And a final thanks to everyone at St John’s - everyone has been so warm and engaged in my mayoralty; thanks for releasing Steve to serve as my Chaplain!
St James & St John School Gate Gossip
As we count down the days before the half-term holidays kick-off next week, there has recently been a flush of activity at our school. Our year 6 children are probably still exhausted from their SATs exams last week. We hope they got some well-deserved rest over the weekend and cross our fingers for strong results. The school's PFA organized a pub quiz last Thursday at "The Lancaster Hall Hotel" (Thank you so much again for your great support!) across the road from our school. The evening was great fun, the food delicious and our school's teachers really gave their very best. Another great and well organised event by the PFA (thanks to all supporters) which raised important funds for our school. Across all years, our children have been busy rehearsing and practicing for next week's traditional May Dance. Date for your diary: Pentecost Service on 22 May, 2pm, at St. John's.
Under Five’s Playgroups
An international playgroup aimed at Russian speakers meets in St John’s on Wednesdays at 10am. Another playgroup meets on Thursdays at 10am. Suggested donation for all groups: £2.